Therapy-Ball Self-Massage to Release the Hips
Hips. We use them to sit, to locomote, and to boogie down on the dance floor. And hip openers factor high on yoga students’ requests lists.
But how in tune are you with the bony and muscular structures that make up your hip region? Why does pigeon pose continue to challenge you after all these years? Why does lotus posture seem an absolute impossibility? (Because, as you’ll learn, maybe for your hip structure it is!)
Yoga Tune Up therapy balls give a whole new meaning to the concept of rolling hips! In this workshop you’ll learn ways to open up your hips beyond just stretching. Self-massage can create more effective release than simply tugging on connective tissue with classic stretches.
Muscular restriction is not the sole explanation for “tight hips”! You’ll gain a new understanding of your unique hip structure and how to modify your yoga practice accordingly.
Many knee and back conditions stem from hip issues, so students with knee and back pain will glean information they can apply to regions uptown and downtown of our target zone.
Continuing ed for yoga teachers: We’ll delve a bit into the anatomy of the hips, so yoga teachers will learn tricks to prep students for hip openers and will learn when and how to modify yoga poses to meet their students’ needs.